Skids and Tea Hangs July 2021

Since its legal to host events again I figured it was time for another hangs with the boys.

Here are some snapshots of this legendary evening.

Sem’s awesome japan styled E36 looking tight on those closed front wheels. A little bit of skid damage but that gives it a bit of character.
Sidney’s immaculate PS13, I really couldn’t see how it could be any better.
Cherokee, the B(S)uckle up boy with the sexy A35 charmant rolling into the meet
Finally had the chance to put my GX81 and Miata together, golden wheel combo. Also the p7 with the recently refinished A3A’s is looking tight
Awesome combo mk3’s on a miata
“Uncle Leo” Leon his awesome Laurel with the tight front fitment facing Kuhns his skiddy E21
Uncle leo his awesome Laurel on mesh and mk2’s
Cherokee’s A60 looking so good rn
Jay just recently received his C33 from japan and first thing he did was lower it and put it on wheels he got for it. Champs and mesh combo <3
Jeroen’s E36 always looking good on those “smoll” meshies

Thanks everyone for coming you were great!~

See you next time <3

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